Festeggiamenti di Asti al suo glorioso concittadino Contrammiraglio Umberto Cagni
Genre: Documentary film
Jahr: [1912]
Dauer: 00:05:44
Beschreibung: The film shows the city of Asti celebrating the fellow citizen Umberto Cagni Count of Bu Meliana, who was an admiral and a explorer. His most famous expedition led him in 1897, together with his friend Luigi Amedeo di Savoia-Aosta, to Alaska to the conquest of Mount Saint Elias. The film begins with a brief prologue that enucleates on a neutral background the golden sword donated by the city to Admiral Cagni in 1912. The video is a copy from the film print held by the Museo Nazionale del Cinema: 35 mm, positive, acetate, 117 m, black and white, Italian intertitles, silent.
Schlüsselwörter: documentary / Asti / Umberto Cagni conte di Bu Meliana; Giuseppe Bocca
Anbieter: Museo Nazionale del Cinema
Rechte: In Copyright - EU Orphan Work
Farbe: Black & White
Ton: Without sound
Sammlung: Museo Nazionale del Cinema Film Collection
Language: it